Digital Photography (Adults)
Instructor(s): Marisol Diaz
Time: Saturday, 11am - 1pm
Location: BRAC Headquarters
Ages: 19 and up
Fee: $100
As photography has gone digital, editing your photographs has become an essential component of taking photos. It’s not just capturing the moment, but enhancing it.
This class explores in-depth the functions of digital cameras, but students will also develop an eye for composing photographs of the natural and built environments and gain digital-editing skills using Photoshop or in BRAC’s state-of-the-art Media Lab. Students generally work with their own digital camera, however BRAC has a number of cameras for students' use (during class time only) if they do not have their own.
Drawing & Painting (Adults)
Instructor(s): Pamela Cardwell
Time: Saturday, 9:30am-11:30am
Location: TBA
Ages: 19 and up
Fee: 0
Using a variety of materials such as pencils, acrylic paint, ink, watercolor, and pastels students will learn basic painting and drawing techniques to create vivid still lives, portraits and landscapes of our Bronx River environment.
(Unless otherwise noted, all classes include materials and use of professional equipment.)
Registration Information:
Fee Information:
Discounts may apply for students or families taking multiple classes. All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration, in the form of cash, money order, or personal check with ID. Fees may also be paid by credit card on our website.
Scholarships for partial-tuition may be granted for children or teens based on portfolio review or financial need. Interested and/or eligible students must make an appointment to meet with a staff member and register in person.
Cancellation Policy:
If a class does not meet capacity, it may be canceled, in which case students will have the option to either take another class or receive a full refund.